Computer Generated Imagery, CGI Features

Computer generated imagery is the standard protocol to interface the external applications software to the web server. It has been very widely used for the implementation of the dynamic generated pages rightly available on the Web.
You could note a lot of merits as well as those disadvantages associated with the CGI programs. The most important of the meritorious aspects is that the computer generated imagery, CGI, is language dependent.


CGI programs could be written in all those languages of your convenience that allows you to comprehend effectively the programs in the very usual way of yours. Apart from all those above facts it is just quite simple interface without any complications to understand and perform effectively within a short span of time.

It is not customary in the case of majority of the CGI applications, to possess any sort of specific library in store for its creation. You are not restricted to the usage of writing programs within a very particular type of API alone. Additionally the computer generated imagery largely relies on those very conventionally standard concepts of the standard output as well inputs and the environmental variables for communicating with the web server.


Computer Generated ImageryOne small restriction with the computer generated imagery programs is that they are quite slow. This is because of the very fundamental fact that the computer generated imagery programs will have to fork the new processes for each and every HTTP request. Along with that the database connection is to be ascertained as well. This is to facilitate for the very next instance corresponding to the program. This is usually a very expensive process.

One solution is just to use the FastCGI in the place of just using the CGI alone. The fastCGI incorporates a special kind of technique inbuilt in it. The presence of this special feature prevents the necessity to fork one process for the every request which is absolutely time consuming and expensive as well. Additionally it could improve the overall performance too.


WebGIS is said to be the most inevitable trend of the GIS along with the developments in the network technology. Just Unlike all other normal Web applications, the WebGIS has the special characteristics to calculate all the mass data and the long processing time. It is therefore, all those popular Web development techniques might not be very appropriate in order to develop the WebGIS.

Still when you compare the merits and analyze certain facts pertaining to the incorporation of the webGIS you could opt to choose WebGIS construction patter to be based on the fastCGI phenomenon. You could take fullest advantage that ways from the multi processing and the distributed cluster patterns to resolve the requirements of the webGIS. The applications of the fastCGI and the webGIS are quite wide found in the recent years. This is essentially due the meritorious results they are able to obtain out of the usage of the technologies of the fast CGI as well as the WebGIS.

Related posts:

  1. Applications of Computer Generated Imagery
  2. Computer Generated Imagery in Civil Engineering
  3. Merits of CGI (Computer Generated Imagery)
  4. The Unique, Computer-Generated Imagery

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