Human Anatomy and the CGI

Elementary dissection

Dissection is the something what some of us would be curious to perform in our foremost science labs at the schools. It is when we are given the frogs cockroaches in a wooden plate rightly nailed around the corners of the plate. Even that dissection would make some of those girls out there in the class to faint seeing the parts of the frogs which is just similar to that of the human internal system. Doing cockroach dissection is something which needs a lot of naïve and practice as you would tend to mash up the parts of the cockroach with your dissection tools if you are not too careful. Having said about the complications in the simplest form of dissection processes, it could be understood about the significance of the learning phenomenon through dissecting the real body of flesh and blood.

So how about doing dissection for anatomy in the humans for the purposes of medical research, study and analysis? Whole lot of complications is involved in that. As a student you might not be completely aware of the procurement of the human bodies that you get for dissection. There are numerous ways you carry out the tasks as it is of prime most significance for man to discover more number of curing medicines by understanding the system better ways.

So what if it could be done without even dissecting the body at all? How it could be made possible? Yes it could be done through the application of computer generated imagery.

CGI dissection

Human Anatomy and the CGIUsing the computer graphics and animation techniques it is possible to understand and create similitude models for study. The three dimensional representation through the computer generated imagery allows the doctors and the scientists to perform their dissection processes virtually in the computers.

Still certain processes such as the cadaver dissection are complicated. It is always an inevitable part and parcel of your gross anatomy studies. So the cadaver dissection has to be completely understood lively before attempting to perform live operations. Can this sort of cumbersome dissection processes be completely studied through the computer generated imagery itself? It is a big challenging question.



The amount of high quality models that are available in the present day so as to understand these sort of complicated dissection processes is quite a very few in the first place. It cannot be still compared to the learning that could be obtained by performing actual dissection in the laboratory. Dissection models for the pelvis regions are quite complicated and the three dimensional representation of these areas in the form of anatomy models using the computer generated imagery are exceptional milestone achievements.

Human anatomy, even though could be understood basically by just knowing the location of all those parts and their respective locations, is something which is very complex. Certain parts like the human brain and the nervous system are not yet completely understood by any man. It might be these innovative technological advancements in the field of computer generated imagery which would pave way for such discoveries.

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